The Roaring Fork Watershed Biodiversity and Connectivity Study is complete! And it is available to the community.
The Study represents the best available science to inform the Watershed community of many opportunities for protecting, and restoring biodiversity on a landscape scale. The Study gives science-based traction to the value our community places in healthy, viable wildlife populations and native plant communities. Already the Study is in use, and is supporting and inspiring agencies, organizations, and individuals to take informed, effective biodiversity conservation action.
An emerging and welcome example of this is the newly formed Roaring Fork Safe Passages. This group’s mission is to significantly reduce wildlife-vehicle accidents. Beyond contributing to the safety of wildlife and motorists this initiative will knit back together our road-fragmented watershed, a primary goal of the Biodiversity Study. To learn more and get involved, visit the Roaring Fork Safe Passages website here.
Other conservation initiatives informed by the Biodiversity Study are in the works. Included is wetland protection and enhancement driven by another new coalition. The protection and restoration of wildlife habitat on a landscape scale already engages many agencies and organizations. The Biodiversity Study is a tool for citizens in the watershed to understand, support, and amplify ongoing and new wildlife and habitat conservation initiatives.
Mule deer cross a hay field below the flanks of Mt. Sopris. Courtesy Mark Fuller.
Ways to Review & Engage the Study Results:
Read the final report on the Roaring Fork Watershed Biodiversity and Connectivity Study at Colorado Natural Heritage Program's website.
The most sophisticated and interactive version of the Biodiversity Study requires ArcGIS software, version 10.2 or better, and a certain level of expertise. Contact Tom Cardamone at WBI ( to explore accessing and “test driving” the Study.
A publicly accessible and interactive version of the Study that does not require special software or expertise will be available on The Colorado Natural Heritage Program website in early 2023 on the CODEX platform (Colorado Data Explorer).
Thank you for supporting this unprecedented effort to develop a science-based strategy for the protection and restoration of natural biodiversity and habitat connectivity in Colorado’s Roaring Fork Watershed.
Tom Cardamone
Executive Director